Dominicana E-Ticket

An E-Ticket gives you permission to travel to the Dominicana.

  • You can get an E-Ticket instead of a visa if you're: coming to the Dominicana for up to 6 months for tourism, visiting family and friends, business. coming to the Dominicana for up to 3 months transiting through the Dominicana E-Ticket.
  • Everyone travelling needs to get an Dominicana, including babies and children. You can apply for other people.
  • You’ll usually get a decision within 3 working days, but you may get a quicker decision.Occasionally, it may take longer than 3 working days.
  • You must apply for an E-Ticket before you travel to the Dominicana. You can travel to the Dominicana while waiting for a decision.
  • You’ll get an email confirming you’ve got an E-Ticket. We’ll link it to the passport you applied with.
  • Your E-Ticket lasts for 2 years. You can travel to the Dominicana as many times as you want during that time.
  • If you get a new passport, you’ll need to get a new E-Ticket.

Who We are

We are committed to providing the best and most efficient E-Ticket Application processing service available online. Our expert travel consultants will guide you through the whole process and carefully review all the information submitted, in order to help you avoid mistakes and save you the time and stress of trying to navigate the complexities of submitting a E-Ticket application on your own. Moreover, in case of application rejection, the entire cost of the application is refunded, included the Government processing fees. are a private company and not affiliated to the United kingdom government or any government body. We act as agents for your E-Ticket application. We abide by the Data protection Act and all data you provide will be solely used for your application.